Committed to protecting people and the environment


At Ascent, we believe thoughtful fiscal responsibility shares in importance with sound governance in forming the basis of our sustainability approach. Ascent's commitment to responsibly using and protecting natural resources is one of our core principles that, together with our unwavering commitment to the health and safety of our workforce, guides our efforts to efficiently maximize production of affordable, reliable, cleaner energy. We believe that responsible corporate citizenship can positively reverberate throughout the community and the world.

2023 Sustainability Report

Our commitment to a sustainable future and corporate responsibility is detailed in our annual Sustainability report.

Download full report

Letters from the CEO & ESR Committee Chair

Jeffrey A. Fisher Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board Read more arrow right
Carri A. Lockhart Chair – ESR Committee Read more arrow right
CEO and ESR Committee Chair
Sustainability Highlights

Sustainability Highlights

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Environmental Performance

Environmental Performance

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Health and Safety

Health and Safety

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Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance

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Community Support

Community Support

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Performance Metrics

Performance Metrics

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